the wise words of Umar bin Khattab which contains a lot of wisdom and advice. In addition to containing a lot of advice, Umar bin Khattab's words are also very inspiring to become a better Muslim person.
Umar bin Khattab is recognized as a devotee of Nabi Muhammad SAW who was honored by Mekkah's inhabitants. Ia was the second Khalifah and reigned between the years 634-644. As with deploying an alih Kekaisaran Romawi Timur, it may also have been successful in establishing wilayah Timur Tengah.
Umar bin Khattab is a native of Suku Quraisy, where he is known as a person who is always working and talking about janji. Umar is the sole khalifah opposing Abu Bakar Ash Shidiq.